Dancin’s Food Blog



In case you don’t remember me my name is Dancin. I am a Japanese Chin!  My mother has written about my eating habits before, but does she really know what goes on in my head? I’ve decided to take over.  By the way, I think I look quite beautiful in my wedding finery, don’t you?

 Thanksgiving Day, Breakfast:   I watched everyone else get their breakfast  finally it was my turn. My favorite way to begin the day is with a squirt of “juice”.  (Lena McCullough, DVM has made a yummy herbal appetite stimulant for me).  At first I wasn’t sure about the “juice”. Now much to my chagrin I dance into the kitchen asking for it, I’m hooked.  Next Mama brought  out  chicken meat from the PCC. Sniff, ugh. Then I saw her reach for something new – Natural Balance Perfect Bites cat treats, Rabbit. Well this was a new twist. I am ashamed to say I ate half the package in one sitting.  Mama was thrilled. I like to keep her guessing so I’m not sure I’ll eat them next time but they sure were good. Now I’m off to nap by the fireplace. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you get the treats you want!

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