Dachsie Gets Steps and Ramps!
My Buddy would have loved these steps and ramps. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/09/dog-owners-heartwarming-project-dog-reddit_n_3047879.html
Read More..>>My Buddy would have loved these steps and ramps. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/09/dog-owners-heartwarming-project-dog-reddit_n_3047879.html
Read More..>>Abby, my 13 year old golden, has had diarrhea since January when she took an antibiotic. She has always had a tempermental GI tract. I took all of the supplements away and have just been giving pain medicine (for her hips). Today I surrendered…I am adding it all back in, the benefits outweigh the negatives and […]
Read More..>>http://truthaboutpetfood2.com/ There are two articles that are very informative about the ingredients in our pet food: The Historical Basis for Illegal Waste in Pet Food and Learn the Turth about Pet Food Ingredients.
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