I Surrender….
Abby, my 13 year old golden, has had diarrhea since January when she took an antibiotic. She has always had a tempermental GI tract. I took all of the supplements away and have just been giving pain medicine (for her hips). Today I surrendered…I am adding it all back in, the benefits outweigh the negatives and she still had diarrhea. I have ordered Tylan powder from Drs. Foster and Smith and am hoping it will be the answer….
I surrendered to the dogs today…I bought a beautfiul cat post, put it in the living room; my hope was it would be high enough, the cats would feel safe and would come join us. After wrapping the bottom of the post in layers of plastic, and old towels to keep the pee off the post I have given up. I moved the post into the cats rooms and hope they love it as much as I do!