Jake’s new cart from Pet Mobility Rehab Center
Chris, Izzy, Jake and I drove to Whidbey Island today. Besides being a lovely drive we got Jake a cart. Jake’s left hind leg has lost it’s proprioception, is shakey and weak. He is unable to go on walks. Since getting his cart a few hours ago, his spine is straighter and he walks better when not in the cart. We stopped by to see our vet, Dr. Brian Rowse at Ballard Animal Hospital, on our way back into town. He was pleased to see how well Jake was moving in his new cart!
This is our third cart from PMRC. If you go to www.K9carts.com, click on Success Stories and scroll down to the dachsie with the red and green toy you will see my Buddy. Buddy got his cart (an early model) right after back surgery. I attribute his quick recovery to using the cart. That was in 2002, Buddy has been walking ever since and is now 17 years old. I believe that a cart should be a part of any animals recovery from surgery to improve mobility.
One of the saddest things is that people often wait too long before getting a cart. I know it is difficult to accept that one’s belove pet’s mobility is impaired, but denial won’t make them walk better. Using a cart is liberating – Buddy used to chase Jake when he was in his cart. It is truly amazing to see the light dawn on your pet’s face when he realizeds he can move again.
Several of my client’s have bought carts for their dogs. Otis was a very old and wise Pug. We used to call his cart his “little red sports car”. Otis’s cart allowed him to explore his grandparent’s farm on his own, without being carried. Nati (a Red Heeler) used to chase her sister, Bella, in her cart.
Here are the 7 Myths about Carts from the PMRC website:
Myth # 1 Mobility-Impaired Pets Cannot Live Long, Happy, Lives in Wheelchairs
Myth # 2 Euthanasia is the Only Choice
Myth # 3 Pets Do Not Adapt to Wheelchairs
Myth # 4 Cage Confinement is Necessary After Surgery
Myth # 5 It’s Best to Wait Until My Pet is Unable to Walk Before Putting it in a Wheelchair
Myth # 6 Pets Become Dependent on Wheelchairs.
Myth # 7 It’s Best to Wait Until My Puppy or Kitten is Fully Grown Before Putting It in a Wheelchair
PMRC rents carts in addition to selling them. They can ship the cart to you if you aren’t able to make the drive.
Barbara Parkes, the owner of PMRC, has 40 year of experience in the pet mobility industry. I just love her, she is compassionate and passionate about what she does.
Pet Mobility Rehab Center